Cascader for Banking

Banking and the Financial Community

H-Tech’s experienced banking staff created Cascader for its internal use and, because of the benefits we derived from its use have made this tool available. With it's alliance partner in the banking industry, Vision Software Solutions, it has been released to the financial community to address and control your critical information and data flow needs. Together we provide solutions to over 300 financial institutions.

We deliver the base Cascader application that uses standard Microsoft products (Windows, SQL, etc), is written in .NET, includes two imports from your core application. Included is a database that you can alter, and add to, using the Custom Table builder. Startup reports including Risk Migration, Past Dues, Watch List, Loan review selection, Troubled debt monitor, debt to deposit report, Risk and balance change analysis, letter and compliance

Training is provided via the WEB for your designated staff on how easy it is to use and how to create your own additional tables, reports, imports and exports..

To demonstrate how easy it is to use, if you have a trial/report in an Excel Spreadsheet, or data in other tables from your core systems, we can have you operational in a few hours, producing reports and letters to begin analyzing and servicing your management and operational needs that are typically not available from standard core applications. Spend a few minutes with us and you will see very quickly how you can take advantage of a tool that will return a positive ROI in within 6 months.

  • No expensive programmers
  • Control your own environment using data from your primary processing software
    - Minimizes dependency on vendor fro reporting
    - Saves money
    - Improves management info and a result, profits
    - Make better decisions
    - Compliance
  • Imports/Exports from and to core processing systems
    - Banks loan and deposit systems (retail, commercial, real estate, etc)
    - Personnel systems
    - Customer prospect systems
    - Insurance
    - And more
  • Reporting for Q/A, compliance, exams, trends, early warning, watch lists, etc,
  • Due Diligence for
    - New acquisitions – Gathering of all data into one database for analysis and reporting
    - Internal Audits
    - Examiners
  • Import of financial statements
    - Import from clients trial balance, balance sheet and income statement, or any report, stored in excel, access table or SQL
    • Map it one time to the base spread template (Moodys, Fiscal, CreditComplete, etc)
    • The simply click import and the rest is automatic
    - Can set up customer and feed to system or import from core
    - Click map and the information is stored in template and passed to spread system
  • Much, much more